1) Muslim Girls Won’t Let Anything Stop Them: When it comes to sports, Muslim girls face a unique challenge – how do you balance a basketball while wearing a modest dress plus hijab (religious headscarf)? Well the College of Design at the University of Minnesota has an answer for that dilemma, and has recently produced culturally sensitive athletic apparel for local girls in Minnesota.
2) Arizona Mosque Holds ‘Love Not Hate’ Event: Attempting to counter-balance an anti-Islam protest held outside its grounds a few weeks ago, the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix recently hosted an event called ‘Love Not Hate’ with the clear mandate of promoting “peace and inclusiveness.”
3) Hate Crime Tracker Launches: The National Council of Canadian Muslims has recently launched an online service which tracks anti-Islamic hate crimes and incidents in Canada. “Hate crime is one of the most under-reported crimes in Canada,” says Amira Elghawaby, the organization’s coordinator.
4) And finally, Space Age Prayer Mat: After witnessing an elderly Muslim man attempt to pray with back pain, tech entrepreneur Nader Sabry created the world’s first physiological prayer mat using “space technology”! And NASA has even recognized the company, TIMEZ5, as a certified space technology company.