Nabela Noor, 24, typically makes videos about beauty, fashion, and DIY hacks but recently, she turned serious and made a video entitled “Dear America, From a Muslim-American,” calling attention to her 143,000 subscribers the recent tide of anti-Muslim sentiment and rhetoric.
In the video she eloquently states: “I am a Muslim-American, and I am just like you. I was born and raised in this country; I work in this country; I believe in this country; and I pray for the safety of this country. I am an American through and through, and I am also a Muslim.”
Noor talks about the five pillars of Islam and comments “notice how they don’t include violence or terror.” Nabela explains that she never thought she would make a video about a subject as “intimate’ as faith” but the “current social environment for Muslims today is not safe or just.” She notes that hate crimes against Muslims have increased dramatically following the Paris attacks last November.
‘When these tragedies occur, we Muslims are just as saddened as our fellow Americans and we are heartbroken that there are people out there who manipulate our texts to serve their own sick, twisted, agenda,’ comments the v-blogger.