Located on Staten Island, the Masjid Un-Noor mosque recently did something surprisingly political and distributed hundreds of pocket-size copies of the Constitution, yes motivated by Khizr Khan who gave the powerful tribute speech in front of the Democratic National Convention this summer. Mohammad Manhal Hussain, 17, who is a member of the mosque, says of the historical moment, “It’s powerful to see a Muslim man standing and giving a speech at the D.N.C. That got us all on our toes.”
“[The constitution] unites us,” says Suhail Muzaffar, a leader at the mosque. “It is not Christian, it is not Buddhist, it is not Muslim.”
Robert McCaw, who works at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, says that given the large numbers of Muslim voters in swing states like Florida, Ohio and Virginia, the Muslim vote could help tip the presidential election. Mr. Muzaffar wholeheartedly agrees. “You want to fight back….? There is no bigger bullet than the ballot.”