1) Marvel Tells Syrian Story In “Madaya Mom: Rym Momtaz, a producer for ABC News, wanted to know what life was like for the people of Madaya, Syria and contacted a local mother who started a daily account of what it was like to be a parent of five children in the middle of a war zone. The producer found the daily accounts “riveting” and soon teamed up with Marvel Comics to tell the mother’s tale in a digital comic collection.
2) Palestinians Enjoy A Rare Journey from Gaza to Jerusalem: For the last two years ago, Israeli authorities have granted older religious pilgrims the right to travel from Gaza to Jerusalem so they can pray at al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam.
3) Idaho’s First Syrian refugee On U.S. Vetting and Life In Boise: In November, 2014, a young woman named Asmaa Albukaie arrived in Boise with her two teenage sons – making them the first Syrian refugees in the entire stare of Idaho. Currently working as a Resettlement Officer, she talks to PRI about the strict vetting process and life in Idaho as a Muslim immigrant.
4) In India, Female Judges For Islamic Courts Start A Precedent: Zakia Soman is a prominent feminist activist in India and is leading a movement for the country’s first class of female “qazis”— judges who oversee marriage, divorce, and other personal matters in Muslim communities.
5) And finally, Kansas City Christians Rally For Muslims: On October 14th, law enforcement in Wichita, Kansas announced the arrest of three men charged with a domestic terrorist plot to bomb an apartment complex where many Somali immigrant families lived. In a show of support for the local Muslim community, Reverend Denise Pass organized a rally near the apartment complex. “When I heard this tragic news, it came to my mind that we – as members of this community and as Christians – should support and protect the local Muslim community.”