Last November, several California mosques received anti-Muslim and harassing messages and as a response to this, a group of college students have come together to collect nearly 200 letters of “solidarity and support” for the Muslim-American community. The letters have come from individuals as far away as South Korea, Morocco and Canada, and from organizations such as the Center for Inquiry and the Methodist Federation of Social Action as well as elected officials including Mayor Bao Nguyen of Garden Grove, California.
“Our goal is simple, to show that community across difference and disagreement can stand and work together against injustice and ignorance in our nation,” says Tahil Sharma, coordinator at AMP Global Youth. “When we show the power and beauty that is the diversity of the American fabric, we don’t merely talk about it, we show it in every way we can. This letter campaign serves as a foundation stone to promote education and service between communities that may not understand each other.”