Sadiq Khan Takes On Trump
In this CNN interview conducted by Christiane Amanpour, London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan talks about Donald’s Trump proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S., and what that symbolizes. Amanpour asks … [Read more...]
Resources on Muslims for the Entertainment Industry
In this CNN interview conducted by Christiane Amanpour, London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan talks about Donald’s Trump proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S., and what that symbolizes. Amanpour asks … [Read more...]
Due to an unfortunate perfect storm of the extremist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, and the rising popularity of Donald Trump with his proposed banning of Muslims entering the U.S., a new study … [Read more...]
For years, Muslim imams and scholars in the west have been actively involved in the fight against extremism -- through education and theology. In Washington, Imam Suhaib Webb has held monthly video … [Read more...]
Located in Tijuana, the Omar Mosque (AKA the Islamic Center of Baja) opened in 2012 and is said to be the largest mosque in Northern Mexico. There is an estimated 110,000 Muslims in Mexico and … [Read more...]
In her new documentary "Why Can't I be a Sushi?," British-Iraqi filmmaker Hoda Elsoudani explores the sectarian tensions between Sunnis and Shias. The filmmaker found a unique way to approach the … [Read more...]
Gani Ansari is a Muslim BBC journalist and in this piece, talks about his Nepalese "blood brother" (or "mit" in Hindu) who he met when he was five years old. Their friendship was arranged by their … [Read more...]
The importance of American students being prepared for the emerging global economy is driving a new exchange program which places teachers from such countries as Egypt and China into U.S. classrooms … [Read more...]
Last week, the Islamic Society of Mid Manhattan hosted a multifaith Passover celebration with Temple Emanu-El and the NYC Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee, a sharing of food and traditions of the … [Read more...]
"Refugees are not numbers; they are people who have faces, names, stories and need to be treated as such," Pope Francis tweeted this over the weekend, during his moving tour of the Moria refugee camp … [Read more...]
Last Tuesday was Muslim Day at the Iowa Capitol where people of the faith share food and conversation with the public as well as some Iowa legislators. “This is just to let our neighbors know who … [Read more...]