Muslims Express Concerns About Extremism
According to a Pew Research Survey in 2013, 67% of Muslims say they are concerned about Islamic extremism. … [Read more...]
Resources on Muslims for the Entertainment Industry
World —
According to a Pew Research Survey in 2013, 67% of Muslims say they are concerned about Islamic extremism. … [Read more...]
World —
In Australia, a local church suggests the way to defeat ISIS – befriend a Muslim. … [Read more...]
We here at Muslims on Screen and Television (MOST) have crafted an 'in case you missed it' #ICYMI list of this past week's most timely and relevant stories from across the web: 1) Lawyer Who Fought … [Read more...]
National —
The subject of a Muslim registry system has been a painful one for American-Muslims throughout the presidential election. After a terrorist attack in Berlin last December, Trump made this remark: … [Read more...]
World —
Middle-East correspondent Borzou Daragahi reports on the recent history of terrorist attacks in Iraq, stating that since the US invasion, thirteen years ago, it “unleashed a new era of instability” … [Read more...]
Nermana Huskić was a child during the Bosnian war and as a Muslim, she witnessed terror and violence at a young, impressionable age. After the war, her mother and brother were approved to relocate to … [Read more...]
In the wake of the ChristChurch mosque attacks where 50 people were killed and another 50 wounded in a hate-filled terror attack targeting two mosques in the New Zealand city, NewsHub interviewed … [Read more...]
Lorraine Ali is an Iraqi American television critic and in this op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, takes on Hollywood's interpretation of Arab culture. Here are some insights/tidbits from her … [Read more...]
Sports —
Baggio Husidic is a Bosnian-American soccer star who currently plays for the LA Galaxy. Baggio, 29, a seven-year MLS veteran has appeared in 143 games with two teams, and won an MLS Cup with the … [Read more...]
The Christian Science Monitor takes a look at American Muslim female comedians explaining that "generations of comics have used stand-up to educate the broader society about their culture or ethnic … [Read more...]