The Council on American-Islamic Relations released a poll earlier this month taken from nearly 2,000 Muslim votes in six states which found that “half of those voters (46%) support Hillary Clinton, followed by Bernie Sanders at 25% and 11% support for Donald Trump.”
Yes you read that right, there is support for Donald Trump in the Muslim-American community. Time magazine interviews three Trump supporters and gets some key insights.
“Is he reckless with what he says?” asks Raed Hamdan, 41, of Boca Raton, Fla. “Yes. Is there a lot of cleaning up to do in the country? Yes. Being a billionaire, I can’t see anyone buying him—paying him off to push him in one direction or another. This guy is reckless but at least you know what’s on his mind.”
Mr. Hamdan says that while he doesn’t support Trump’s anti-immigrant commentary, he isn’t particularly concerned by it. “ Whether Trump wants to build a wall along Mexico or deport Muslims or not, he can’t make it happen on his own. This has to be voted on.”