1) The Moment Muslim American’s Have Been Waiting For… When Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of slain Army Captain Humayun Khan who died in combat in Iraq in 2004, took the stage at the Democratic National convention last week, CNN makes the point that “you could almost see the collective fist pump from Muslims across the country” as Mr. Khan took out his copy of the Constitution, shaking it at Donald Trump through the TV.
2) Military General Says ‘Khan family is our family’: In this moving op-ed for the Washington Post, retired U.S. Army major general Dana J.H. Pittard reflects on a national hero who served under him — Capt. Humayun Khan whose parents famously honored their son at the Democratic Convention last week and stood up to Trump.
3) Muslims in the Military: They May Be Few, But They’re Proud: Muslims serve in all branches of the military — as officers, combat troops, interpreters and intelligence gatherers. According to the Pentagon, there are just 3,939 troops that list their faith as Islam, making up a tiny 0.3 percent of the military.
4) In France, Muslims Attend Catholic Mass to Mourn Slain Priest: Following the vicious murder of beloved Reverend Jacques Hamel in an ISIS-related attack in Northern France last week, more than one hundred Muslims attended Catholic mass in churches throughout France to show their sorrow and support. “I thank you in the name of all Christians,” said Rouen Archbishop Dominique Lebrun as he addressed the Muslim mourners. “In this way you are affirming that you reject death and violence in the name of God.”
5) And finally, The Stealth Mission To Rescue Ancient Manuscripts Out Of Timbuktu: As head of the Mamma Haidara Library in Timbuktu, Abdel Kader Haidara became greatly concerned about his library in 2013 when militant extremists backed by al-Qaida ransacked a local government library, destroying ancient manuscripts in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.The librarian reached out to the international community, and eventually raised $700,000 for a stealth mission to help smuggle nearly 400,000 ancient manuscripts out of Timbuktu.