1) An Ordinary Muslim Debuts On Broadway: An Ordinary Muslim opened this week at New York Theater Workshop, directed by Jo Bonney and written by first time playwright Hammaad Chaudry. The New York Times calls it a “timely look at the traumas of dislocation among the children of Muslim immigrants in England.”
2) Yes, There’s A Muslim-Friendly Version Of Airbnb: Entrepreneur Hadi Shakuur decided to start a Muslim-friendly version of Airbnb after some friends told him they were having trouble with their accommodation bookings, which were often denied or canceled, and suspected anti-Muslim sentiment from the hosts. And thus, Muzbnb was born — a Muslim friendly version of Airbnb.
3) Muslims May Face Mass Deportation In The India State of Assam: According to the Guardian: “Two years ago, Assam, a lush state bordering Bhutan and Bangladesh, embarked on a vast exercise: to identify every resident who could demonstrate roots in the state before March 1971… and deport anyone who couldn’t.”
4) And lastly, Tehran’s Modern Mosque Draws Some Controversy For, Well, Being Modern…: A newly built avant-garde mosque in the heart of Tehran is causing some controversy within Iran’s conservative establishment.